Fashion, fashion, fashion! It’s been around and it has been evolving. Ahmon Metdals and his business partners Naomi Bagga and Mike WIlson have always had a passion for fashion but they have also had a passion to stand out and make a change within the community. The fashion industry is always growing and expressing personality through fashion has always been a part of life. Metdals and his team have breathed life into a startup that is rapidly growing!
Have you heard of If not then where have you been! Their site is user friendly and very thought out.They are a custom apparel brand that allows people to design and order their own apparel products. It’s a place where everyone can bring out their inner creativity and design something unique to their own interest and style. Basically stating that every time someone comes to their website to design they’re creating their own unique piece of apparel so it is their personal 1 of 1. You know the saying “You can never copy an original ” well that goes true for Ahmon, his team, their customers and their customers’ creative ideas in fashion.
A business that is so unique and so limitless is sure to thrive. My1of1 is very unique because they have always made a social impact a priority since they have started. Ahmon states “ My1of1 has a student program where we teach the importance of creativity and entrepreneurship. Then students get to customize and receive apparel products in the program. Also every student walks away with their own ecommerce page we set them up with. We have partnered with Foot Locker to bring these workshops to Foot Locker stores in LA, Chicago, Detroit, San Fran and Dallas”. This has reached 15k students in the last year alone.This community activity encourages entrepreneurs and provides a sense a platform for students to learn about business, fashion and marketing.
My1of1’s vision is to not only limit customers to customizing only what goes on the garments. They see a near future in having options for customers to customize patterns, shapes and overall styles of garments. They want them to be able to allow them to customize the shape and color pattern of their individual pieces. Let your imagination run wild and free with my1of1! If you’re eager to learn more or just curious and want to browse around their site go check them out! Their business is doing so well that you can expect to see My1of1 stores in 2023, where the experience is fully interactive and will be an experience you never seen before.